Monday, September 28, 2009

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going....

Delhi, what a mess. Traffic, dust, smog. My shoes are getting a beating. I am using shoe polish like they are going out of fashion. Delhi is like another country, in fact I think it is as my mobile coverage was far more superior than when in Chennai and I got Internet which meant, I could upload my status on FB. This picture here is just a wee taste of what Delhi had to offer. We had to got to West Delhi, Janakpuri to check out the Hilton there and the ride there was long but very interesting. Traffic was heavy both ways as we left at peak hour. But some of the scenes are just so interesting. Reckon the picture here clearly illustrates the ability of these folks . I don't think this was the Suzuki Maruti but am sure it will something which has a wheel which I spot and a fender. Never mind that this looks like a fender bender of a situation.

We then from there headed to Gurgaon which is near the city. High rise building, modern types housing most of the blue chip companies but again, the mad traffic did not disappoint! Obviously as you can see from the attached, someone has decided on a mattress of their choice and will be getting it soon. Reckon the chap is still cycling! Probably see him the next time I am in Delhi.

Chennai has not disappointed, been getting a bit of culture. Saw a stand up comedy show which featured 3 comedians, 2 Indians who were just too funny and the main act, someone by the name of Dan Nainan from the US, who was, sad to say, mediocre. After the 2 chaps introduced him, he was just pathetic. And to think that Peter Russell gave his name to recommend him, was lets say, was shocking. Also saw an Indian take on Reservoir Dogs, it was bloody and I am sure they used plenty of tomato sauce as my friend had mentioned. The gun going off in the regal Egmore Museum Hall was deafening but the hall itself which was built sometime in the late 1800s was amazing. As I drive through Chennai, you do get a full on how the lives are lived on the streets. Be it this chap who is perched on a cement pillar and for a moment, I thought this chap was physically challenged, but he was not on closer observation. He was just very comfortable, in that contorted stance and having a wee chat and pondering about the day. I have had many more opportunities but quite often than not, my camera is not where is was suppose to be! Bugger.
Last weekend, made a KL run since an opportunity presented itself. Needed a haircut and a facial desperately, off I went. Of course in all the stops, checking KL's vibrant restaurant scene certainly did whet my appetite for food and free flowing wines and the latter is something that I am still whinging about now that I back in Chennai. Did get a bottle from duty free and also have stock in the fridge as I discover that I have friends in low places! Picture above is with the Bangsar after we raided the bootleg DVD store. So am covered for moment, had acquired some great series and have me wines, I am happy! Have now been here close to months, I am trying to settle on the home front and making it more cozy and I think I have achieved it though an now maneuvering my ways into acquiring an air con unit for the living with the company and I am getting lip service...they say patience is a virtue, I am possessing some of that just now. Watch this space as the next blog will contain thoughts pondered during my early extended weekend to Colombo and thereafter, getting acquainted with my running shoes and hitting the streets of Halls road and heading to the Don Bosco school to run around their cricket field! Plus, watch out for the news of Pondicherry......

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